Thanks for visiting our website! Broombusters is only as effective as its volunteers.
We welcome you to take part. Please contact the Director or an area organizer below.Would you like to start a Broombuster group where you live? You’ll be surprised at the difference a small group can make.

Executive Director: Joanne Sales / Email
Qualicum Beach/ Coombs British Columbia
Mid – Vancouver Island, BC

Comox Valley: Bev Agur  250-871-2027  / Email

Nanaimo:  Nancy Lutes / Email
Lantzville:  Sharon Ahokas / Email

North Qualicum: Betty Jablonski /Email

North Cowichan: Maple Bay: Wendy Macpherson / Email
Jan Dwyer: / Email

Campbell River: Morgan Ostler & Carol Couture – 250-202-7590 / Email

As of spring 2022, Broombusters are work in Nanaimo, Lantzville… Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Errington, Coombs, Bowser, North Qualicum… Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland… Campbell River and North… Port Alberni… Cowichan Valley… District of Highlands…  Powell River and many other locations.  Broombusters has also helped groups get started on Gabriola Island, Salt Spring, and more.

Broombusters started in mid-Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada. Our strategies will work anywhere. Please contact us if you are interested in our work, no matter where in the world you live. It is encouraging to know that others are at work stopping the spread of Scotch broom and other invasive plants.