2024 Broombusting in Campbell River

Make plans for cut broom removal before you cut! Unfortunately, MOTI is not able to remove broom cut on the highways. If you contact Broombusters in advance, sometimes we can help. At the very least, we can offer advice on cut broom disposal. To be a Broombuster, contact Broombusters first! Cut at your own risk. Be safe and have fun!

Make plans for cut broom removal before you cut! Unfortunately, MOTI is not able to remove broom cut on the highways. If you contact Broombusters in advance, sometimes we can help. At the very least, we can offer advice on cut broom disposal. To be a Broombuster, contact Broombusters first! Cut at your own risk. Be safe and have fun!
Community Cuts in Campbell River
Several groups organize broom removal in Campbell River: Greenways, Rotary Club or Morgan Ostler.
If you would like to help, please contact them directly. THANK YOU!
Broombusters History in Campbell River
Ten years ago a sign was posted on a Campbell River billboard. “When driving anywhere on Vancouver Island you can see broom invading every roadway, every ditch and every open piece of land. Join Broombusters and learn how to remove this invasive plant.”
A decade has passed and in Campbell River we can now safely say we are almost a broom free community. We have arrived at this point thanks to forming a Broombusters local committee with the support and guidance of the founding organization in Qualicum Beach. Since then the original team of local Broombusters has slowly dispersed, generally due to old age or mobility problems, but even so our broom is essentially under control. Thanks to the Rotary Club who continue an annual cut around major roads leading to the city. As well the local First Nations Band (CRIB) has done a massive amount of broom removal on its riverside acreage. CRIB has built the broom activity into its yearly plan as has the Rotary Club.
We report our annual statistics and volunteer hours, including the CRIB and Rotary cut, to the City’s Environment Dept. as well as Greenways Land Trust (GLT). Greenways specializes in invasive species removal in the estuaries and wet lands where special equipment is required. We share our safety jackets, cutting tools and highway signs with GLT and Rotary when needed.
Our local founders, Carol Couture and Morgan Ostler have observed throughout these years that there are more broom cutters who work independently, sometimes on land that has been cleared once but then has resprouted. One such person is a young university grad specializing in environmental studies, Hunter Jarrett. For several seasons he can often be seen working alone on some isolated patch on the Jubilee Parkway or downtown on undeveloped waterfront acreage. Due to his high profile as a volunteer he has been selected by the Invasive Species Council of B.C. to work this season on the I.S. Action Team.
Submitted by M.Ostler