Promo and Waiver Forms
This page provides you with documents that can be downloaded.

Promotional Material
How to Cut Broom
A one page information sheet you can download, print and than handout, post in elevators, bulletin boards, etc.
Download the PDF
Why Cut Broom
A one page information sheet on the Problems with Scotch Broom.
Download the PDF
“Info on Broombusters” Handouts
Three to a Page. In black&white or color. This 1/3 page document provides an introduction to Broom and Broombusting. Useful for handing out to neighbors, displays, information tables, parades, schools, etc.
Handout 3to1 page-2022 This document is in color but we recommend that you set your printer to black and white for printing.
Waiver and Acknowledgment of Risk Forms
As with all volunteer groups, certain forms MUST be signed before you can cut broom in association with Broombusters. There are many other groups and individuals cutting broom. Signing the waiver makes it clear that you are cutting broom as a Broombusters. If you attend a community cut, your area organizer will let you know which forms you need to sign.
1. This Broombusters Waiver is for everyone to sign – for use in all areas, including regional districts, parks, roads and municipalities.
2. Ministry of Transportation Adopt-a-Highway program. If you want to cut on highways, you must sign and return form- Be sure to check box: “hand-pull non-toxic plants” before scanning (and add “cutting”!)
Download the PDF
3. Municipalities have their own waiver forms for volunteers.
We have included Nanaimo’s here as an example. This form also appears to be generic however, and has been copied by other municipalities.
Download the PDF