2024 Broombusting
Parksville-Qualicum Area
Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Errington, Coombs, Whiskey Creek, Bowser, North Qualicum and Nanoose

Community Cuts 2024
Qualicum Beach – Individuals are cutting any existing broom. Do you see any standing broom? Let me know where (or cut it and then let me know where!)
May 30, Thursday, 9:15-10:45. Swayne Road. Contact Joanne if you want to join us.
May 31, Friday, 9:30-11:00. Errington on Alberni Hwy across from Pet Mania/ Bellevue road. We’ll be cutting the large broom that hide the 80 acres of broom that is now being cleared!
June 1, Saturday, 9:30-11:30. Continuing on Alberni Hwy. Clearing the view to the 80 acres. Moving toward Spunky’s on Fairdown Road. Great success on Friday. Thank you!
April 20. Saturday. 9-12:00. Weigh Scales. The curve on Kate Road going into Rivers Edge. this is the Community’s event, but we are there to assist, to train, to cut broom!
April 19. Friday, 10-12:00 at Coombs – Parksville Trail. There is access to the trail across from BoMe Cheese, between Bonnell Road and Bradley Center. Park on abundant shoulder on Alberni Hwy. We’ll start at the access point and work towards Parksville. 18 people shows up! Cut 200 meters along trail.
April 23 – Tuesday. 10-12:00. Coombs Trail. We will continue cutting broom on the Coombs Trail. We had 18 people cut 200 meters of giant broom. Access to the trail across from BoMe Cheese, between Bonnell Road and Bradley Center.
April 26, Friday. 10-12:00. Parksville Interchange. Park at Water Tower. We’ll cut broom along the Parksville side of the exit coming from Nanaimo to Coombs/ Alberni Hwy. Lots of broom has grown back.
April 30, Tuesday, 10-12:00. Coombs Trail. The goal – remove all the big broom on the bank in that section. The tracks will be cleared by the Island Corridor Foundation.
May 3, Tuesday – Friday. Cut on your own in Qualicum Beach. Focus is on Village Way near Memorial, or Hwy19A, View Road, or anywhere you see broom. Because so much of the broom has disappeared in Qualicum Beach, it works best to have individuals and partners going after the small clumps. Currently, volunteers have been working behind the Legion Hall, around the Museum, Village Way. Do you see broom that needs to be cut? Let me know!
May 3, Friday, 10-12:00. Horne Lake Road, Dunsmuir areas/ River Road, Leon Road, intersection. River Road goes into the First Nation Big Qualicum Fish Hatchery. Only 13 minutes from Qualicum Beach. Thank you for helping!
May 4, Saturday, 10-12:00. Parksville-Coombs Interchange. The entrance ramp from Errington to Nanaimo. The quadrant is on the Errington side. Background: That quadrant used to be covered with broom! Broombuster volunteers 12-16 years ago saved the small trees that were buried in broom – and look at them now! The trees have flourished. Let’s keep this as a model of success. Please come and help keep it free of broom. Most of the broom is along the ramp itself.
May 5, River Never Sleeps Festival in Fanny Bay. Broombusters along with many environmental groups always has a table there.
May 7. Tuesday. 10-12:00. Alberni Hwy Banks between Shearme Road (the Bradley Center) and Virginia Road
May 10. Friday. 9:30-11:30. Alberni Hwy Banks
May 14, Tuesday. 9:30-11:30. Alberni Hwy at Virginia Road. It’s a day to finish up Alberni Hwy because the chipper will come next Tuesday. There are small patches of broom standing here and there on Alberni Hwy. We’ll meet at Alberni Hwy, cut what is there, and then divide up and cut the remaining broom from Spunky’s to Creekmore Coffee.
May 17. Friday. 10-12:00. Alberni Hwy at Errington Road – and then elsewhere on the highway.
May 18-19. 11:00-1:00. Cutting inside Parksville. RV park, Hwy 19A, Resort Way.
May 24, Friday… 9:30-11:30. Same location. Closer to Bellevue. Park safely on Alberni Hwy. Look for our sign.
Completed Cuts 2023
June 2, Friday. 9-10:45. Grafton Ave. Between Station Road and Winchester Road. We’ll move to other locations on Grafton as we finish.
June 1, Thursday.9:00 -11:00. Alberni Hwy & Station Road. The beginning of the Coombs-Parksville Trail. We will provide tools. Great turnout!
May 30, Tuesday. 9:15-11:00. Coombs Junction. (Intersection of Hwy 4 and Hwy 4A – Alberni Hwy.). We’ll cut the slope opposite from the stores. See you there.
May 31. Wednesday, 9:15-11:00. Alberni Hwy & Winchester Road. (Still Coombs Junction Area)
Nanoose. May 29. Monday. 9:30-10:30. Intersection of NW Bay Rd and Powder Point.
May 26. Friday. Parksville. Interchange #51. Arrive 9:00-9:30. Across from Allsbrook Center on Alberni Hwy.
May 27. Saturday. On Alberni Hwy at Virginia Road…. 9:15-11:15. The meeting place of Coombs Trail & Alberni Hwy. CHEK TV did a feature on us! Dean. 5:00 CHEK
May 28. Sunday. Qualicum Beach Family Day! Broombusters – Come be in the parade! Arrive at 11:45. At the fire hall. We are #14. d Followed by a display in the field.
May 29. Monday. 9-11:00. Wetlands.
May 24. Wednesday. 9:30-11:00 Qualicum Beach. Village Way and Trail to Naked Naturals.
May 22. Monday. 9:00-11:00. Parksville Wetland area. . Meet at the end of Foxtail. If you haven’t been to the wetlands, this is a good opportunity to see it – and care for it.
May 20. Saturday. 9:15-11:00. Alberni Hwy & Winchester Road. Winchester Road is the road just past Butterfly World, and across from Creekmore Coffee. There is lots of broom on Winchester – close to Alberni. It is mostly easy to cut broom.
May 21. Sunday. The Farm beside Plummer Road in San Pariel. It’s a lovely farm, and the family is taking very good care of it.
May 14. 10-12:00. Parksville Wetland area. Entrance at the corner of Hirst and Renz. Lead by Don standing@shaw.ca.
Errington. Saturday, May 13. 9:00-11:00. Alberni Hwy & Errington Road.
Qualicum Beach. Tuesday, May 9. 9-11:00. Kwalicum Secondary School. 20 Students.
Qualicum Beach. Wed, May 10. 9:30-11:00. Village Way between Qualicum Rd and Hemsworth.
Nanoose. May 8, Monday. 10:00. intersection of Powder Point Road and Northwest Bay Road in Nanoose Bay
May 7, Sunday, 11-1:00. Meadowood Community Park sponsored by RDN.
With Dashwood Volunteer Fire Department,
May 6 Saturday AND May 8 10-12:00. Parksville Wetland area.
The entrance at the corner of Hirst and Renz.
May 6, 10:00-11:30. Nanoose Rest Stop. The rest stop is on the mountain side of Hwy 19. Lead by Judith Lapadat. tadapal@gmail.com
May 8, Monday. 10-11:00. Nanoose. Intersection of Powder Point Road and Northwest Bay Road in Nanoose Bay
May 1, Monday, 10-12:00. Alberni Hwy ACROSS from Buckerfield.
April 29, Saturday. 10-12:00. Parksville Alberni Hwy. Between Buckerfield and the railroad tracks.
Completed Cuts 2022
June 8, Wednesday. 10-12:00. Interchange Exit 51. Parksville/ Coombs. Lead: Don Standing. The On-Ramp from Alberni Hwy towards Nanaimo. Park under the overpass and walk through the triangle – not along the ramp.
June 8, Wednesday. 10ths 0-12:00. Coombs Trail at Church Road. Leaders: Trevor and Colleen.
June 7, Tuesday. 10-12:00. Guerilla Broombusting on Alberni! Start at 10:00 at Winchester and Alberni.
Jun 6, Monday. 10-12:00. Alberni Hwy on the banks. Check back for details.
June 4. Saturday. 10-12:00. Hwy 19 interchange 51. Across from Allsbrook Center
June 3. Friday. 1-3:00. Parksville Interchange Exit 51. Across from Allsbrook Center.
June 3. Friday. 2:30-4:30. KSS Student Council will cut on Coombs Junction High hill.
June 2. Thursday, 10-12:00 Little Qualicum Fish Hatchery. 8 of us cut together around the work building and residence, and the channels there.
Jun 1. Wednesday. Little Qualicum Fish Hatchery. 3 people for 2 hours.
May 31. Tuesday. Big Qualicum Fish Hatchery. 10-12:00. Joanne, Wanda, Mary meet up with Aaron and Erin.
May 31. Tuesday. Spider Lake group begins clearing broom from corner of Horne Lake Road.
May 27 and 28. Friday and Saturday. 10-12:00 Coombs Trail.
May 29. Sunday. Qualicum Beach Family Day Parade and event. 12:00 parade. 1:00 event in the field.
May 27, Friday. 10-12:00. Alberni Hwy Banks. From Demex, drive past Bradley center and look to the left. CHEK TV came and did a video of us on the banks. The segment ran at 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00. Thank you all!
May 21, Saturday. 10-12:00. Parksville Interchange & area on Alberni Hwy. We’ll clear broom on the interchange (on and off ramps) and also attack the broom around bottle depot.
May 20, Friday. Alberni Hwy and Coombs Trail. 10-12:00. Meet near the Bradley Center/ Shearme Road. I’ll have a sign up. I also have the waivers now to cut on the Coombs Trail! Come see me first. If you are late, look for signs.
May 19. Thursday. 10-12:00. Horne Lake Road. In the morning, the cut is closer to the big highway – with BIG BROOM! Also cuts in Bowser.
May 19. Thursday. 9-12:00. Englishman River Estuary. Meet at the Mills Rd. entrance to the ERE at 9:00 am. Hosted by Arrowsmith Naturalists. dhutchings40@shaw.ca.
NANOOSE CUT: Thursday May 19, 12:30-2:30 PM. At: “Welcome to Nanoose Bay” sign, the intersection of Rumming Road and Highway 19. Notes: Please park on Rumming Road. Organized by the Nanoose Bay Lions Club
May 15, Sunday. 10-12:00. Coombs-Parksville Trail. Postponed because of an all day downpour. New date June 12. Meet at the parking area at Alberni Hwy and Virginia Road. Sponsored by the RDN Parks. Let’s show them what we can do! The Coombs Trail is one of the most infested broom locations in Oceanside – but we can turn it around.
Nanoose: May 13, Friday, at 1:00-3:00 intersection of Hwy 19 and Rumming Road in Nanoose Bay.
May 13, Friday. 9:30-11:00. Coombs Junction. 5 of us cut broom in 3 strips along Alberni Hwy. Went out to coffee! Followed by hail.
FRIDAY. May 6. 1:00-2:30. Hwy 4 at McLean Road. Coombs/ Hilliers. Only 6.6 km from Qualicum Beach. McLean Road is the first road after the light at Coombs Junction (Hwy 4 and Alberni Hwy.)
SATURDAY May 7. 10:30-12:00. Alberni Hwy and Coombs-Parksville Trail. Meet in the pull out across from Demex on Alberni Hwy.
Nanoose: May 3, Tuesday, 10:00am-12:00 noon, Nanoose Bay, at the “Welcome to Nanoose Bay” sign along Highway 19 at Rumming Road, near Nanoose Bay’s border with Lantzville. Lions Club and Broombuster volunteers.
April 22. Friday. 10-12:00. Qualicum Beach Interchange. EARTH DAY and first cut of the season. INTERCHANGE IS NOW BROOM FREE!
April 29. Friday. 10-12:00. Horne Lake Road. 10 volunteers showed up, and we planned our strategy for the year. Some worked on giant broom close to Hwy 19 and others on the neighborhoods roads nearer to Hwy 19A.
Completed Cuts 2021
April 23-May 4. Tree planting at the interchange; Coombs Trail…
Cut AnyTime locations all over Oceanside.
MAY 9-14. Alberni Hwy Week!
May 4, Tuesday. Coombs Junction.
May 5, Wednesday. AIRPORT All DAY. Y
(MANY CUTS NOT recorded here yet…)
May 19 – 20 KSS students cut on a farm field by the school! 2
May 19, Wednesday. 10-12:00. Alberni Hwy & Fairdowne Road
May 20, Thursday.10-12:00. Grafton Ave. Meet at Station Road
ALSO on Thursday May 20, 10-12:00. Alberni Hwy between Cottonwood Nursery and Virginia Road
May 21, Friday. 10-12:00. Guerilla Broombusting! Alberni Hwy.
May 22, Saturday. COOMBS TRAIL.
Seed pods are beginning to form.
May 23 – 31. Finish up Time. Clean up in many areas. Qualicum Beach Airport, Hwy 4 and 4A, Grafton ave… 19A all the way to Cook Creek. Horne Lake Road area… Meadowood area. Parksville 19A & Alberni Hwy – especially train station. Whiskey Creek.
May 9, Monday. CHIPPING DAY!
May 5, Wednesday. Powerpoint Road.
MAY 8. Saturday. Powerpoint Road & Northwest Bay.
Joanne Sales: All areas
Email: info@broombusters.org
Phone: 250-752-4816
Don Standing
Email: standing@shaw.ca
North Qualicum:
Betty and Alf Jablonski
Email: ab@icbsolutions.ca
Parksville-Qualicum goes from Nanoose up to Cook Creek Road.
Make plans for cut broom removal before you cut! Unfortunately, MOTI is not able to remove broom cut on the highways. If you contact Broombusters in advance, sometimes we can help. At the very least, we can offer advice on cut broom disposal. To be a Broombuster, contact Broombusters first! Cut at your own risk. Be safe and have fun!

Thanks for visiting Oceanside’s page!
When we started Broombusters in Qualicum Beach and Coombs in 2006, broom lined all the roads. It was everywhere. But thanks to volunteers, our area has been transformed. But yes, we still need your help!
Qualicum Beach and Parksville are 90% broom free now, and volunteers will continue to cut what is left. We continue work clearing the interchanges in Oceanside, and the roads in and out of towns. We’ve made huge progress on Island Hwy all the way north to Cook Creek Road, and south to Nanoose. Neighborhood groups have cleared much of Corcan Road area, Station Road, most of Grafton Avenue.
Sadly, the forest on Alberni across from Pet Mania was cut down in 2019, and broom is now 2-3 feet high over many acres of abandoned land. We have had to abandon that because it is private property. Aside from that, we’ve made huge progress on Alberni Hwy. We’re still clearing patches and are working on Coombs-Parksville Trail.
This year, we hope to make progress on Swayne Road, Errington Road, Horne Lake Road and Whiskey Creek areas. We expect continued progress in Nanoose, Bowser, the interchanges, and Inland Island Highway. Unfortunately, the powerlines are always full of broom, but we try to keep broom away from cleared forest areas so the forests can regrow.
We can’t acknowledge every road and park that volunteers have worked on, but it is amazing. We are grateful for every volunteer who has given of their time and strength over the past 18 years. If you have an interest in working in a particular location, let Broombusters know. We support volunteers wherever they want to be working! There is plenty of broom for all. Thank you for your help.
With appreciation. Joanne Sales